Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

A different stage of life; no more April fool jokes to be heard around anymore. Today..

- Brian just got rammed by a train. After that, a Hummer went over him again.


- Mr. Collin, ICPU lecturer just got smashed by bouncers with two bottles on the head at Bar Celona.

- Skating with col mates. Paid to suffer, but its pretty fun with them.


- Visited ABB for a talk. I didn’t know that technologies are so advanced now.


- Its Leslie Cheung - 張國榮’s (death day) today. (My Mandarin still can pakai =]). I remember because he was gay. And I used to like his songs till someone said, “listening his songs make me feel like sleeping”. <_<"


Nah for you.


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